Goodwill Southeast Georgia

Our Mission To assist people with disabilities and other barriers to employment to live independently and become employed.

Goodwill of South Central Wisconsin

Our Mission Goodwill of South Central Wisconsin’s mission is to help people achieve their highest level of independence through the power of work.

Child Abuse Prevention Association

To prevent and treat all forms of child abuse by creating changes in individuals, families and society that strengthen relationships and promote healing.

Animal Care League

Animal Care League is a 501(c)3 non-profit animal shelter and spay/neuter clinic located in Oak Park, IL. Animal Care League serves as the stray holding facility for the villages of Oak Park, Forest Park, River Forest, North Riverside and Northlake and has been rooted in the community since 1973. Animal Care League has many wonderful …

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Goodwill Industries of Northwest North Carolina

Our Mission We create opportunities for people to enhance their lives through training, workforce development services and collaboration with other community organizations. Our Vision We will be satisfied only when every person in northwest North Carolina has the opportunity to participate fully in all aspects of a productive life.

Last Updated: November 9th, 2022